Customer story

GSGroup Finland Oy has recently started taking advantage of Digita’s IoT network, which has allowed it

Hybrid TV
Season 12 of the Putous programme was aired on MTV in spring 2020. This season also

Elkome, a company who has been creating solutions for industrial measurement and data collection needs for more than 30 years already, uses the IoT network of the Finnish company Digita. IoT technology enables data collection to be expanded to new application areas and allows more versatile utilisation of data for the digitalisation of operations.

The Finnish operator Digita offers its extensive IoT network for Finnish companies. The number of users has increased rapidly over the past few years. In theory, the Internet of Things provides Finnish companies with limitless business opportunities.

In Finland, the annual costs of problems with indoor air amount to approximately three billion euros through sick leaves and treatment costs, and such problems occur with 15% of the property stock. Regarding predisposal to allergy and asthma diseases, it has been estimated that even as many as 75% of the cases are related to indoor environments.

Digita's IoT solutions have been widely deployed in many industries throughout Finland. Digita's COO Markus Ala-Hautala explains how various digital solutions make everyday life easier, improve efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint.

Hybrid TV
How would it feel to reach a million Finnish consumers in 15 seconds and instantly turn 50,000 of them to your product or brand?

Hybrid TV
The start screen of the hybrid TV complementary service for Kingi from the first broadcasting week.

Hybrid TV
Television is a powerful and effective medium that can be used to reach large numbers of consumers very efficiently. The new, interactive hybrid TV advertising that is now available combines the strengths of the traditional television advertising reaching masses with the strengths of online advertising.

How would it feel to reach a million Finnish consumers in 15 seconds and instantly turn 50,000 of them to your product or brand?