Digita is at the forefront of occupational safety in the world

The Vision Zero Forum once again distributed occupational safety level classifications to its member workplaces in the spring of 2024. This year’s application round saw 108 workplaces receive recognition. Digita achieved recognition at Level I, World Leader.

“Promoting occupational safety is systematic and comprehensive management. The safety mindset has developed to an even better level at Digita,” says Elina Lehtomäki, Director of Customer Service at Digita.

“At Digita, there have been fewer and fewer work accidents leading to sick leave, as well as minor mishaps. We have statistics on this since 2014, and the direction has been correct, meaning the number has decreased. This means that more attention is paid to safe working practices, risk assessment, and work pre-planning. The same goes for the condition of protective equipment and tools,” explains Lehtomäki.

“There have been more safety observations this year than in any previous year during the same period. This indicates that not only personal safety but also the safety of colleagues and peers is given more attention,” Lehtomäki rejoices.

Notifications have also come from external stakeholders, and Digita’s personnel has reported safety deficiencies observed in the premises of stakeholders. These notifications are always sent to the property or space holder along with repair suggestions.

Various internal and external audits and inspection visits have made employees pay more attention to the way work is done – even when the pace of work is sometimes tight. In the spring ISO45001 audit, Kiwa Inspecta’s auditors noted that safety matters, especially in mast work, are taken seriously at Digita.


What is Vision Zero Forum?

The Zero Accidents Forum is a network of workplaces that motivates and encourages workplaces to aim for a high level of occupational safety and well-being.

The forum shares information, best practices, ideas, and materials to help workplaces. Any workplace can join the forum regardless of the starting level of occupational safety, industry, or size of the workplace.

The Vision Zero Forum offers member companies a comprehensive selection of current occupational safety and well-being materials. Through the forum, it is good to ask for help or ideas for promoting occupational safety and well-being and to share thoughts with other workplaces.

The foundation of the forum’s operation is zero thinking in safety. It means a long-term commitment as well as a comprehensive and positive approach to the continuous development of occupational safety, health, and well-being.

The forum has a steering group composed of representatives from member workplaces. The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health coordinates the activities.