Antenna systems

Digita broadcasts TV channels at UHF frequencies in the A, B, C, D, E and F multiplexes. A UHF antenna is required for UHF reception.

Detached houses

If you live in a single-family home and own a modern, functioning UHF antenna and have not had any problems with your TV reception, there’s probably no need to change your antenna because of the HD transition.

If, however, there are repeated interferences in the TV reception, it is advisable to contact a qualified antenna contractor. Using measuring equipment, the contractor can determine the best antenna location, reception orientation and the requirements for the antenna equipment. Self-installation of antenna devices is not recommended.

It is important to remember that antenna systems, just like any other home systems, require maintenance. Please refer to the antenna guide for single-family homes published by the Finnish antenna and telecommunication contractors’ association SANT.

Buildings with shared antennas

It is also a good idea to verify the condition of the building’s antenna system in shared-antenna buildings. You can consult with the building manager or the housing company’s board. The building manager can best find out the interoperability of the antenna system with a qualified antenna technician.