Digita is investing heavily in the development of its IoT network. The goal of the company is to build a Finland-wide IoT network.

has been rapid – during this autumn alone, 50 new base stations were
constructed across Finland, increasing indoor coverage in the largest cities by
40 percent.
The investments will ensure better services for
Digita’s IoT customers.

Digita’s IoT services offer a
wide range of solutions to meet the needs of the real estate, logistics and
infrastructure sectors, among others. Utilising LoRa technology, Digita’s IoT
network enables, for example, the remote reading of water meters in basements.

The extensive investments will
further improve the capabilities for supporting indoor IoT solutions. Digita’s
network provides its customers with an inexpensive and user-friendly method to
comply with the increasingly stringent requirements for energy efficiency.
Digita’s network also accelerates the implementation of the Smart City and
Smart Metering projects, which focus on eco-efficiency and quality-of-life
improvements for the benefit of all of Finland.

“Thanks to the new
investments, the coverage of Digita’s IoT network will expand further. During
2017, Digita plans to construct as many as 150 new base stations. The
construction work will not be finished after that – by the end of 2018, we plan
to have 400 base stations in commercial use. The newest base stations have been
launched in the Helsinki metropolitan area as well as in Lahti, Tampere, Turku,
Salo, Jyväskylä, Oulu and Rovaniemi”, explains Ari Kuukka, director of IoT services at Digita.

Higher requirements for
energy-saving and cost-efficient technology and data transfer are the factors
behind the growing demand for IoT services. Wireless communication between
devices, systems and services must be fast and cost-efficient. Digita is a
stable domestic operator that offers a complete infrastructure for the Internet
of Things, i.e., IoT, as a service platform for its partners’ solutions.

Digita Communications