Sustainable Data Center Services in Finland

Our data center locations offer excellent international and domestic data connections with more than 20 telco operators present. On top of the co-location, we can build network, security, and hybrid cloud solutions to our customers. Our customers, who are critical to the security of supply, have requested the highest level of confidentiality that we can implement if requested.

Pieni Paja

Capacity 1 MW / Total Area 1150 m2 / Redundancy Power N+1 UPS + diesel generator

Iso Paja

Capacity 500 kW / Total Area 142 m2 / Redundancy Power 2N UPS + diesel generator

TV Tower

Capacity 1 MW / Total Area 364 m2 / Redundancy Power 2N UPS + diesel generator

Lahti TV Tower

Capacity 100 kW / Total Area 120 m2 / Redundancy Power N+1 UPS + diesel generator

The prime Locations in Finland

Helsinki: 15 km from Airport / Lahti 120 km from Airport

Digita’s modern Pieni Paja data center offers big opportunities

Digita has made a significant investment in its data center business activities in the telecommunications hub of Pasila, Helsinki. The new data center called Pieni Paja which answers the capacity demands of digitalising world is located near Digita’s other data center facilities and offers the quick reaction capability and low response times required by digital services thanks to its excellent connections.

Our new full-service, customer-focused data center in Pasila, Finland, at an international connection point, ensures fast and reliable connections to all Europe and Nordic countries while meeting the highest performance, 24/7 customer service, and sustainability standards. The low latency of the data center enables ultra-real-time operations.

Prime location and every data center service you could need

The unique location at a telecommunications hub offers excellent connections to places around the world. Also located in Pasila, FICIX – Finnish Communication and Internet Exchange – provides access to the services of all key operators.

Digita’s data center services meet the strictest security and availability criteria. The power supply of the data centers has several redundancies. The energy efficiency of the data center, connected to the City of Helsinki’s district cooling network, is first-rate. All electricity consumed by Digita is produced through wind power in the Nordic countries.

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Pieni Paja offers big opportunities

The Pieni Paja data center began operations in 30.3.2023. We now offer the opportunity to learn all about our modern data center and map its suitability for your company’s needs. Leave your contact information with us, and we will get in touch to tell you everything about how Pieni Paja offers big opportunities for your company’s growing data traffic in the future.


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